I still remember is was a Friday the 13th, Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti announced 'shelter in place' order and urged citizens to practice social distancing. Later on, covering faces in public became mandatory. I assumed when the world reopens, wearing mask is (going to be) the new norm...

I want to keep it short about the massive shortage of supplies nationwide for covid-19 frontline workers, and how this pandemic impacts our daily life. Yes mask! I never thought of a mask would be as important as it is today. We won't be able to leave our house without it anymore (along with the phone, car key and wallet).

I am making reusable face mask. It is 100% cotton woven fabric with a filter pocket, you can insert a filter/ surgical mask/ multiple layers of fabric as you preferred to make it a stronger protection. When all is said and done, let's save the surgical and N95 masks for the first responders and medical professionals, shall we?

The intention of sewing cloth face mask is to make sure everyone has one at least, and the ultimate goal is to donate these face masks to senior facilities (minimum 100 masks for each)

Last but not least, masks are free, and there will be donate options ($3 and $5) to select before it's added to the cart. The donation will go out to Direct Relief- coronavirus response program at the end of the month - May. 

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